Welcome to a new era in IT Management

Meet GFI AppManager, the groundbreaking cloud-based platform that empowers you to manage all your products and accounts from a single screen. It’s more than just an evolution - it’s a revolution. 


Extensible Cloud Service

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Customizable alerts


Central Management

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Real-time Monitoring


In-depth Reporting


Unify your operations

GFI AppManager allows you to effortlessly manage multiple products from one single screen. Gather health metrics, examine statistics and dispatch configuration changes from the central command.

And, in the future, GFI AppManager will even go beyond GFI, allowing you to add any product you prefer through our open SDK. 


Be in the know, instantly

Stay one step ahead with GFI AppManager's advanced monitoring and alerting mechanisms. Notifications about unexpected behavior or imminent failures are surfaced promptly, keeping you informed and in control. Alerts are dispatched via email so the right information reaches the right people at the right time.


Decode your data

Harness the power of data with GFI AppManager's comprehensive reporting. With complex data translated into easy-to-understand insights, it's never been simpler to keep pace with your business.


Future-proof security


We’re bringing machine learning to IT operations with RADAR™. By providing extended visibility, analysis, and faster response across users and networks, RADAR equips you with near Extended Detection and Response (XDR), ensuring you're always on top of your security game

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GFI AppManager CoPilot


GFI AppManager CoPilot is a GenAI-powered assistant integrated into the GFI AppManager UI. Using advanced Generative AI algorithms, the assistant provides real-time, context-specific guidance and advice on system configurations, metric analysis, and log interpretation. It serves as an interactive guide for navigating complex metrics and logs, streamlining the user experience on the GFI AppManager platform.


  • Learning Curve Reduction: Minimizes the time investment required for users to understand new or existing products.
  • Time Efficiency: Minimizes the learning curve associated with new products or complex functionalities, saving users valuable time.
  • Continuous Updates: Keeps user always up to date with all product changes across all products supported by GFI AppManager and including GFI AppManager
  • Configuration Auditing: Serves as a configuration auditing tool, especially beneficial for Managed Service Providers (MSPs).
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