The Managed Services Summit in London was more than just another industry event. Picture a packed venue where the air itself felt electric, buzzing with the collective energy of tech-savvy professionals, change-makers, and industry leaders. Nestled in London’s dynamic tech hub, this summit was a cradle for disruptive innovation and purposeful collaboration.

Keynote: Charting a New Path with QBS Software

The day kicked off with a bang as our CEO, Eric Vaughan, and Dave Stevinson, Group CEO of QBS Software broke the news of an expanded strategic partnership, adding QBS as one of GFI Software’s key distributors in the United Kingdom and Ireland. This partnership, with a clear focus on serving MSPs, aims to reshape the managed services industry. Together, we're dedicated to bringing GFI's cutting-edge MSP solutions to the dynamic UK market. It's a partnership built on innovation, growth, and a shared vision for the future.



Our CEO's Powerful Talk: How MSPs are Changing the Landscape.

Right after this landmark announcement, GFI’s CEO Eric Vaughan took the stage for a standalone talk: “The Power of Service - How MSPs are Changing the Landscape.” With passion and expertise, Eric unpacked the pivotal role MSPs play in the modern tech ecosystem, honing in on the undeniable shift toward managed IT solutions in today's business world. 

Eric highlighted how this trend has opened up unprecedented opportunities for our MSP partners and how GFI is perfectly positioned to ensure they're primed for success. He took the audience through the ins and outs of our latest products, like GFI KerioControl MSP and GFI LanGuard MSP, detailing their flexible billing models that adapt to client needs.

But the crescendo of his talk came with the premiere of a compelling commercial that showcased the transformative power of GFI AppManager. Eric drove home the point that GFI is not just observing the changing landscape, but actively shaping it, making it easier for MSPs to excel in their roles.



Unveiling GFI AppManager: A Game-Changer for MSPs

GFI AppManager, our single pane of glass that empowers MSPs to manage all customers and all products from one single screen, was definitely the show-stealer. It’s a solution born from our deep connection with the MSP community. We understand their challenges - from juggling multiple interfaces to managing countless credentials - and GFI AppManager was conceived as a response to these pains.

The day’s excitement wasn’t confined to the stage. It spilled over to where our team was anchored, at booth number 28. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with our experts, explore the revolutionary GFI AppManager, and discover firsthand how it's poised to elevate MSP operations. The energy at the booth was infectious, as discussions and connections sparked innovative ideas.


If there was one buzzword echoing around the summit that we can't ignore, it was 'flexibility.' You see, at GFI, we get it—flexibility is the cornerstone of growth. That's why our booth was abuzz with discussions around our versatile MSP solutions like GFI KerioControl, KerioConnect, and GFI LanGuard. And here’s the kicker: our billing and licensing models are as dynamic as the ever-evolving needs of MSPs, designed for the operational agility they need.

Looking Ahead

As we wind down and reflect on an electric day in London, we’re optimistic about the road ahead. The summit offered a snapshot of an industry in flux and a community eager for growth and innovation. While the day's events have concluded, our commitment to MSPs is far from over. 

Interested in becoming a GFI partner? Get in touch to arrange a personalized demo of our MSP solutions. 

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