The GFI Software team is back from a busy trip to Amsterdam for the Managed Services Summit Benelux 2024, and the energy is still high. As the headline sponsor, we had the incredible opportunity to connect with hundreds of MSPs and vendors from across the region. The event was a vibrant hub of ideas, insights, and connections, leaving us feeling energized and inspired about the future of managed services.

The Managed Services Summit Benelux was more than just a technology showcase – it was a celebration of the MSP community. We connected with peers, shared experiences, and found inspiration in each other's stories.

While the formal sessions offered valuable insights from industry leaders, some of the most impactful conversations happened organically, in the hallways, and between sessions. We were consistently impressed by the ingenuity of our fellow MSPs, who shared creative solutions for everything from client onboarding to team management.


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The Power of Face-to-Face Connections

In a world increasingly dominated by digital interactions, there's simply no substitute for face-to-face engagement. The spark of connection, the impromptu coffee chats, the palpable energy of a room buzzing with like-minded professionals – these are the moments that truly resonate. We were consistently impressed by the passion and ingenuity of the MSPs we met. Sharing a space with individuals who understand the unique joys and challenges of managed services creates a truly invaluable camaraderie.

Our team returned with business cards and notebooks overflowing with ideas and insights gleaned from these conversations. These personal connections are what fuel our innovation and motivate us to constantly raise the bar for the entire industry. The summit served as a powerful reminder that even in a tech-driven industry, it's the human connections that truly matter.

One theme, in particular, emerged from these conversations, setting the tone for the entire event: the transformative power of AI in the MSP landscape.

AI Takes Center Stage

The buzzword at this year's summit was undoubtedly "AI." From casual conversations at our booth to packed conference sessions, artificial intelligence was the hot topic on everyone's minds. But this was more than just hype. We were incredibly impressed by the thoughtful and practical ways MSPs are exploring AI integration into their operations.

GFI shares this vision, and our presence at the Managed Services Summit Benelux went far beyond simply showcasing products. Our leadership team took center stage, demonstrating how GFI is developing AI-powered solutions designed to empower MSPs while addressing these essential questions.

VP of Sales Engineering Jozef Kacala's presentation, "GFI AppManager: MSPs, Get Your Life Back," generated a buzz of excitement throughout the summit. Jozef captivated the audience with a powerful concept: all customers, all products, one single screen. He demonstrated how GFI AppManager revolutionizes MSP operations by providing a unified interface for managing every aspect of their business. This single-pane-of-glass approach simplifies complex workflows, allowing MSPs to monitor, manage, and respond to issues across their entire client base from one centralized dashboard.

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Attendees were particularly excited about the potential of our new GFI AppManager feature, R.A.D.A.R. By collecting and analyzing data across GFI's network and security products, R.A.D.A.R. will provide a unified security view, alerting admins to potential threats and even suggesting mitigations. This proactive approach to network security management is a game-changer for MSPs.

We also showcased how AI is poised to transform network security and management with GFI LanGuard AI. Imagine a tool that not only identifies vulnerabilities but also provides actionable insights, such as pinpointing end-of-life systems, flagging open shares and risky applications, and even recognizing potential threats by contextually analyzing multiple data points. That's the power of LanGuard AI.

Email security was another hot topic, and we demonstrated how both KerioConnect AI and GFI LanGuard AI are being designed to take protection to the next level. KerioConnect AI will reinvent email management and compliance, automatically recognizing relevant regulations, generating data leak prevention policies, and providing actionable insights to maintain regulatory adherence. Meanwhile, LanGuard AI will go beyond basic spam filtering, leveraging AI to proactively identify and neutralize even the most sophisticated phishing attempts.

And, as compliance and data management become increasingly complex, we highlighted how GFI Archiver AI will empower MSPs to navigate these challenges with confidence. This AI-powered assistant will analyze archived emails, identify potential compliance violations, and even suggest remediation steps, streamlining the entire compliance process.

Later in the day, CRO Rory James joined a panel discussion on "The State of the MSP Market," where he emphasized how solutions like GFI AppManager and our AI-powered tools are reshaping the industry. Rory underscored the growing need for streamlined, efficient management tools as MSPs navigate increasingly complex and diverse client environments.


Both sessions sparked lively discussions and insightful questions from the audience, clearly demonstrating the strong resonance of GFI's vision for the future of MSPs. The message was clear: GFI is committed to developing innovative, AI-driven solutions that empower MSPs to work smarter, not harder, and to achieve sustainable growth in an ever-evolving market

Looking Ahead

As we packed up our booth on the final day of the Managed Services Summit Benelux, a feeling of cautious optimism filled the air. The challenges facing MSPs are undeniable, from evolving security threats to the pressure to constantly innovate. Yet, there's a palpable sense of opportunity as MSPs step up to become strategic partners for their clients, navigating digital transformation and shaping the future of work itself.

We left Amsterdam with full notebooks and even fuller minds, energized by the conversations and inspired by the collective drive to push our industry forward. To everyone who shared their stories, insights, and time with us – thank you.

The summit may be over, but the dialogue continues. We look forward to reconnecting in London this September and continuing to shape the future of managed services – together.