On November 28th, 2022 the NIS 2 Directive was adopted by the Council of the European Union, replacing the NIS Directive to improve cybersecurity risk management. The directive mainly applies to public and private entities in seven specific sectors (energy, transport, banking, financial market infrastructures, healthcare, drinking water supply and distribution, and digital infrastructures) and across three digital services (online marketplaces, online search engines, and cloud computing services).

Navigating through NIS2 might feel like charting unfamiliar territory, but don’t worry! We're here to walk you through the key changes and what they mean for your IT setup. And, if you're wondering about tools to ease the transition, GFI Software's solutions have got you covered. Let's explore the world of NIS2 together and see how it's set to reshape things.

Increased Scope

One of the most significant changes in the NIS2 regulation is its expanded scope. The new directive broadens the sectors and organizations required to comply with cybersecurity rules. This change means that more businesses will need to invest in cybersecurity measures and tools to help them maintain compliance, such as GFI LanGuard, which provides comprehensive vulnerability assessment and patch management.

Stricter Compliance Requirements

NIS2 introduces stricter compliance requirements compared to its predecessor NIS. Organizations are now required to implement measures that ensure a high level of network and information system security. GFI's solutions can help organizations meet these requirements by providing robust network security and IT management tools.

Greater Emphasis on Incident Reporting

The directive puts a greater emphasis on incident reporting. Organizations must report any incidents that could affect their network and information systems. GFI's network security solutions can assist in identifying and mitigating these incidents before they cause significant damage.

Enhanced Cooperation Among EU Member States

NIS2 aims to enhance cooperation among EU Member States in cybersecurity. As such, organizations may need to coordinate their cybersecurity efforts more closely with counterparts in other countries. GFI's solutions can support these efforts by providing tools that enable efficient and secure collaboration.

While the changes may require organizations to rethink their IT infrastructure, they also offer a chance to enhance cybersecurity measures and resilience. GFI Software is committed to helping organizations navigate these changes and achieve compliance with our suite of network security and IT management solutions. 

How GFI LanGuard Can Help

GFI LanGuard can play a crucial role in helping businesses align with the requirements of the NIS2 Directive. Here's how:

Network Visibility: GFI LanGuard offers complete visibility of your network, the first step toward identifying and mitigating potential vulnerabilities.

Patch Management: GFI LanGuard allows you to deploy patches centrally and automatically or by deploying agents on machines to save server processing, ensuring you can promptly address any identified vulnerabilities.

Compliance and Vulnerability Reporting: GFI LanGuard provides automated, formatted reports that auditors need to demonstrate compliance with multiple regulations, including ISO 27001/27002, PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, GLBA, PSN, CoCo, etc.

Identifying Security Gaps: GFI LanGuard scans your network for missing patches, a potential security gap that cybercriminals may exploit. 

Ease of Use: GFI LanGuard is simple to deploy and starts scanning for vulnerabilities immediately. It gives network administrators control and helps maintain a secure and compliant network with minimal effort​.

Whether you're a small or large company in any industry that requires a secure perimeter, auditing, and compliance, GFI LanGuard can serve as a centralized patch management solution for your environment, helping you meet the new requirements set forth by the NIS2 Directive.

Get your free 30-day GFI LanGuard trial

See immediate results. Identify where you’re vulnerable with your first scan on your first day of a 30-day trial. Take the necessary steps to fix all issues.

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