Let's face it: keeping your network secure can feel like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. Just when you think you've got everything under control, a new threat pops up. But don't worry—we've got your back. Let's explore five common security vulnerabilities and how GFI LanGuard can help you tackle them head-on.

1. Unpatched Operating Systems and Software

We've all been there – that little "update available" notification pops up, and we click "Remind me later." But here's the thing: those updates aren't just about new features. They're often crucial security patches that keep the bad guys out.

GFI LanGuard takes the hassle out of patching. It automatically scans your network for missing updates across operating systems, web browsers, and third-party software. Better yet, it can deploy these patches centrally, so you don't have to rely on Bob from accounting to remember to update his computer. And if a patch causes issues? No problem – GFI LanGuard lets you roll it back with just a few clicks.


2. Open Ports and Misconfigured Services

Think of open ports and misconfigured services as unlocked doors in your network's house. They're easy entry points for folks who shouldn't be snooping around.

GFI LanGuard acts like a vigilant security guard, constantly looking for these vulnerabilities. It checks for open ports, examines shared directories, and even uses an extensive database of over 60,000 known issues to spot potential weaknesses.

But here's where it gets exciting: LanGuard now comes with an AI-Powered Configuration Assistant. This cutting-edge feature provides on-demand, tailored security advice at your fingertips. With a simple right-click, you'll receive expert-level recommendations on securing those vulnerable points in your network. It's not magic—it’s AI working round the clock to bolster your security setup.


3. Lack of Network Visibility

You can't protect what you can't see. If you don't know what's connected to your network, how can you keep it all secure?

This is where GFI LanGuard really shines. It automatically discovers and catalogs every device on your network – computers, phones, printers, servers, and more. This comprehensive inventory creates a clear, detailed picture of your entire digital ecosystem. You can group devices, assign them to different teams, and monitor everything from a single, centralized dashboard. This level of visibility ensures no device goes unnoticed or unprotected in your network.

And if you need specific information, just ask. LanGuard's new GenAI-driven querying feature lets you ask questions in plain English right in the console. It's like having a conversation with your network.

4. Inadequate Mobile Device Security

Remember when work just happened at work? Now, with everyone using phones and tablets for business, your network extends way beyond your office walls. That's a lot of potential weak points.

Fortunately, GFI LanGuard hasn't forgotten about mobile. It keeps tabs on these devices just like it does with your office computers. Whether it's a company phone or a personal tablet used for work, LanGuard helps you keep them all in line with your security policies.

5. Compliance Gaps

Ah, compliance. It's not the most exciting topic, but it's crucial. Whether you're dealing with PCI DSS, HIPAA, SOX, or any other alphabet soup of regulations, staying compliant can be a real headache.

GFI LanGuard helps take the pain out of compliance. It generates automated security reports that help you prove you're following the rules. With the new GenAI features, you can simply ask, "Show me my HIPAA compliance status," and get the information you need in seconds. 

Wrapping Up

Security vulnerabilities are a fact of life in our connected world. But with tools like GFI LanGuard, you're not facing them alone. From automated patching to AI-powered insights, LanGuard gives you the visibility and control you need to keep your network secure.

Are you ready to see GFI LanGuard in action? We'd love to show you how it can make your life easier and your network safer.

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