Being a Managed Service Provider (MSP) can sometimes feel like you're trying to hit a moving target. Your clients' needs shift, technology evolves, and the landscape of potential threats grows by the day. You need dynamic, adaptable solutions.

What if instead of getting tied down with fixed subscriptions, you had a more versatile option? Understanding this need, GFI introduced a new pay-per-scan offering in GFI LanGuard.

It's like having your cake and eating it too - but for cybersecurity. No overpriced pre-set menus here; you just pay for the scans you need. Your costs directly reflect your requirements - nothing more, nothing less.

As your clients' needs evolve, or as digital challenges amp up, GFI LanGuard MSP and its pay-per-scan model adapt right alongside them. It's ready to scale up or down based on your current demands, keeping you from overspending and adapting to your clients’ cybersecurity needs.

Understanding Pay-Per-Scan

Pay-per-scan is a new pricing model for GFI LanGuard, specially tailored for our MSP partners. In addition to our yearly subscriptions, GFI LanGuard MSP offers monthly billing, determined by the number of scans performed in the given month. This means you only pay for what you use, giving you greater control over your cybersecurity budget.

The Mechanics of Pay-Per-Scan

Every month, GFI LanGuard MSP calculates the usage for all licenses for the previous month. The total number of scans completed since the last billing cycle is reported as part of the telemetry. Based on this usage, partners are charged accordingly.

To cater to the varying sizes of end customer networks that an MSP might want to audit, GFI LanGuard MSP includes node tiers. These tiers, controlled by the license key, allow up to 25, 50, 100, 250, or 250+ nodes, with a per-scan price defined for each tier. This way, MSP partners can have license keys to multiple tiers and choose the ideal key for every network they scan.

In addition to these tiers, GFI LanGuard MSP also offers a new, flat monthly price option for unlimited nodes and unlimited scans, across any number of customer networks. This option provides maximum flexibility for MSPs with larger customer networks or those requiring frequent scans.

Why Choose GFI LanGuard MSP?

The pay-per-scan feature offers several benefits:

  • Cost-Effective: By paying only for the scans you perform for your clients, you can better manage your deployment consumption and avoid paying for unused services. 
  • Flexible: GFI LanGuard MSP, with its monthly billing options, aligns with your clients' demands, offering a flexible solution that adapts to their unique needs.
  • Scalable: As your client base grows, you can easily move to a higher node tier or opt for the unlimited scans option, ensuring your cybersecurity offerings scale with your business. 
  • Efficient: Regular audits are crucial for maintaining robust cybersecurity. The pay-per-scan model simplifies and reduces the cost of conducting these audits, enabling you to provide high-quality services to your clients consistently.

The new pay-per-scan model in GFI LanGuard offers MSPs a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective solution to maintain and improve their cybersecurity. With GFI LanGuard MSP, you can ensure that your clients’ businesses are always prepared and protected against ever-evolving cyber threats. Be on the front foot, adapt quickly, and maintain steadfast security with our unique pay-per-scan model.

Get GFI LanGuard MSP

Embrace the power of vulnerability and patch management services, and position your business for growth and success in a cybersecurity-conscious world.

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