An Exclusive First Look at GFI KerioControl FWaaS
Check out our new Firewall as a Service (FWaaS) built on GFI KerioControl’s next-generation firewall and unified threat management capabilities.
Best practices for securing your network with GFI KerioControl
In this webinar you will learn best practices for securing your network and protecting it against threats from the Internet like ransomware, kryptolockers, DoS attacks, brute force, viruses etc.
Business benefits of GFI KerioControl
Watch our 16-minute “deep dive” demo and see the value and simplicity of GFI KerioControl. You’ll learn that GFI KerioControl delivers a next-generation firewall.
GFI KerioControl Statistics and Reporting
In this webinar we will present and demonstrate the GFI KerioControl Statistics reporting module, alerts and more.
ISO 27001
Develop an understanding of what ISO 27001 is, what its used for and how GFI can help SMBs be ISO 27001 compliant
Protect SMBs from cyber attacks with KerioControl
DDoS attacks jeopardize your business by creating revenue loss and unprecedented system downtime. Meanwhile, social engineering can manipulate users into sharing sensitive information which can bring down your business. SMBs could be hit the hardest.